Always in Process


“There is more here than at first meets the ear.”

Always in process
Sighs, whistles, breaths through pursed lips - very, very close

Stasis, immersion and immobility

I use my own field recordings of specific locations and blend them through synthesis to generate diverse renditions of the same site.

In real-time, I record these synthesized field recordings, processing them on the spot, and treating each recording as an independent composition. The duration of each piece varies based on the particular recording for that rendition.

Given my focus on crafting distinct listening encounters, I generate numerous iterations to explore these possibilities thoroughly.

During recording sessions, the live aspect is central; imperfections become integral parts of the recordings, processing manual adjustments. I keep a journal to document my experiences, insights, and their impact on others.

My work extensively involves resonance, expansion, and harmonics, while also delving into inner ear stimulation, otoacoustic emissions, auditory illusions, and psychoacoustics experimentation.


“listening to, listening for, listening through, listening- in, listening out, listening over and listening with. I would add to this listening against: a style of anthropology of sound, of transductive ethnography, of theorizing against immersion, of hearing inside, outside and—ultimately—beyond the notion of the soundscape.”
~ Listening against Soundscapes, Stefan Helmreich

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